Thursday, 11 December 2014

Starting to Film

Production Diary #11

After having a chat with my media teacher, I have found the inspiration for how I wish to film my video from a lyric style video for the song 'Dirty Paws' by Of Monster and Men. It is something completely different compared to the typical music videos that you traditionally see as I plan on there not actually being a person in the footage, it will just consist of someone interacting with the lyrics of the song that are placed on cards and positioned in places which could be deemed relevant to that lyric.

In preparation for filming, I made all the cards on InDesign, cut them up and I am planning to put them on different coloured pieces of card, once complete I will be ready to start filming my music video. In terms of the cards that I have made, I got all of the lyrics off of 'Metrolyrics' and copy and pasted each lyric/sentence into a box. To add a bit of depth and meaning to the video I have put all of the lyrics onto cards which have an ordanance survey map in the background, however, to make sure you can still see the text that is placed on top, I turned the opacity down to 26% and they turned out like this:

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