Thursday, 18 December 2014

Overview of Progress

Production Diary #12

This term I have found that there have been alot more hurdles to get over for my coursework this year compared to that of the magazines that I had to produce last year at AS. Originally, I had decided that I was going to have the narrative following something along the lines of a treasure hunt through the streets of London and had started to think about what I wanted to do and how I would be able to film it. However, this idea did not follow through due to a few problems. One of the issues that I faced was the issue with the days getting dark quite quickly, due to school consuming a lot of my time and there only being an hour or two after school where it still stayed fairly light, the footage would not have come out as I had wished because I would have had to carry around lighting with me as well as the camera and other equipment that I would have needed to film the music video.

After, this setback I had struggled to come up with an idea so I decided that it would be a good idea to focus a bit of time and attention on the print based ancillary tasks as I feel that this is an area that I am stronger in as well as the research and planning on my blog. I knew what artist to create the products for and the name of the album so I was pretty much good to go in terms of designing them both and I am very nearly finished with the basic first drafts that I have managed to put together.

When I first started the 'creating a music video' process, my media teacher showed the class some ideas from students from previous years, but also videos from the internet to give us some inspiration. I remember their being a lyric style video which I thought that even though it was quite simple in terms of the props and costuming, it was very effective. Not too long ago my teacher showed that video again and I decided that this was the route I wanted to take with my video. I also found it was quite similar to the production of 'Vance Joy - Riptide.'

In terms of the production of my video, I have taken some test shots for my blog, but also to see how I wanted to use the camera and the various shots that I wanted to use. This has helped me think of the various ways I can show the lyric cards that I have now made on InDesign when it comes to filming over the Christmas Holidays.

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